Saturday, April 2, 2022


In the spirit of continually learning new things, I decided to take up snowboarding.  I had been warned and advised to take precautions as it is a steep learning curve.  Armed with padded impact shorts and wrist guards (could have used padded top and knee pads) I went for it when D finally found me an instructor.  

Have had 5 lessons and have come to a full stop this week due to a couple of injuries, one to the shoulder and the other to the pelvis closest to the tailbone.  Got to meet the Doctor on the ski hill and am glad to hear that I had been doing the right things but "maybe you have had enough snowboarding for the season...".  

I was planning on 3 more lessons next week but will snowshoe and ski instead -- both I can still do with minimal discomfort.  The season is ending and we are flying home next weekend anyways.  Feel such relief from going through with the consult.  I'm not one to complain but unfortunately know enough about about injuries to know what I was experiencing was more than just a couple of bruises.  

My bigger concern was the prospect of long term disability from these injuries, which shouldn't be the case.  Physio was recommended for 4 - 6 weeks should things not resolve in another two.  I'm actually going to consult him again for a skiing knee issue before I leave since I had such a good experience.  

Someone once told me that the warranty on the body expires at 50... I'm definitely feeling that to be the case... 

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