Wednesday, September 12, 2012


D and Blogging has changed me.  When D and I first met, I was still rocking the disposable camera.  I do own a manual one (legacy from photography lessons once upon a time) but not an "automatic" one.  Nor have I ever purchased a digital camera to this day. 

Simply because I rarely took pictures when I travelled back then to the dismay of friends.  Mainly because I didn't want to stand out so much and I was content to just soak things in without interruption and remember them in my mind.

Once in our relationship, I began to want D to see a snippet of what I saw while away.  So I had to borrow his camera.  I'd be lying if I didn't admit to grumbling about the extra weight.  Nowadays I've been known to travel with iPod, tablet, laptop, world phone, along with all the chargers and converters....and D's latest camera still without checking in luggage.

And since I started blogging, I found myself over the last couple years or so, thinking "oh, this shot would work for a post".  What is happening to me?!?!  Have I lost myself in this relationship....  : )

So it is a super big deal for me to admit it has been a real pleasure going through old photos of apartments we've / I've rented as a lead in to writing a post on our experiences with renting in Europe. 

I had forgotten how short my hair was a couple years ago when we rented a houseboat in Amsterdam --Had just donated 12 inches of it to the Cancer Society.  Or how beautiful I found my apartment in Reykjavik to be. 

I spend so much of my time and energy forging ahead.  It was real nice having my memory jogged.  Guess I am more sentimental than I thought...

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