Monday, January 12, 2009

Continuing Health

The start of a new year generally ushers in a number of health initiatives. I'm stumped this year. It isn't because I am 100% the way I would like to be physically or am I already eating or doing all the "right" things. It is because any changes I commit to doing would ideally be ones that will be integrated into my life and that puts a certain "weight" to choosing something. It is a work in progress.

Previously I've embarked on short term challenges that happened to have a health benefit attached to it such as training for a 10km road race. I was never a great runner in grade school (translate as always coming in last...) and I wanted to prove to myself I could do it. Turns out I can. I just needed to learn how to breathe properly (go figure!).

I'm proud to have run 4 races but running isn't a passion for me. I will continue to do races on days when D does his (he is the serious runner in our family--6 marathons under his belt) because being a pack mule can be long and cold! Plus races usually are raising money for a good cause and there is something about being part of a large group and hearing the music and cheering that makes it a lot of fun.

Some healthy habits I am continuing to work on this year include:

  • eating less meat (our consumption has decreased at least 50%)

  • eating more greens (would mean taking less vitamins too)

  • continue current workout (walking, stairs, biking, sports)

  • minimizing sugar intake (too much sugar makes me ill)

  • minimizing salt intake (this is my weakness--I love salt)

  • taking more time off

  • keep sleeping well (I average 7-8hrs a night)

  • eating smaller portions (part of my decrease 100 calories a day goal)

  • keep eliminating processed/packaged foods

  • staying alkaline

  • stretching daily

  • journal daily

  • listening/playing music daily

  • allowing some wiggle room (I don't do well when I feel like I'm being forced into a corner)

  • letting go

  • meditate daily (even for 5 minutes!)

  • keep cooking

  • giving back / gratitude / giving thanks

  • keeping clear (I do not like to depend on a substance to "get through my day" thus I am not a coffee drinker. If I have 1/2 a glass of pop a month, that's being generous. If I have more than 3 drinks a year, that's pretty unusual)

  • listening to myself (short circuit the brain once in a while)

  • staying away from toxic people / situations

  • helping those who are ready

  • working on being as spontaneous as I know I can be


  1. It is a school of thought based on identify and eating foods that produce an alkaline residue vs. acidic once digested.

    Keeping things alkaline is supposed to help slow cellular breakdown.

    But, like anything, there are at least 2 sides to the arguement so I do not take anything to extreme but I like the concept enough to learn more about it.

  2. All good and worthy goals. Sounds like you have a good idea of how you want to live a healthy life. I don't think you need to arbitrarily set any goals when you have such a clear vision.

  3. Thanks livingmyrichlife!

    That's how I feel right now. I tend to think in terms of broad strokes.

    Sometimes a specific goal can help and be a fun way to reach a goal and sometimes, I'm happy just letting the program run.
