Tuesday, January 24, 2012

A Good Morning

For a change, I decided to take an early morning walk to do my banking. Usually I go in the evenings but the mild winter we've been experiencing has made for dry sidewalks and clear roads.

It was very pleasant. Saw a different piece of city life due to time of day. Postmen and construction workers going to work. Didn't realized how many people took public transit. Nice to say good morning to people.

Since we've been house hunting out of province, our eyes have been extra open to what we have here. It has so far made us more appreciative.

D has voiced his concern for my potential boredom from not having my career anymore. He also feels having my income is very valuable and that a fun job might not be as fun as it is in my mind based on my history of being self employed and in control.


  1. D certainly has a point there. The grass isn't greener elsewhere just a different shade of brown. Sometimes we have to be careful of what we wish for. We sometimes forget how good we have things until it's too late.

  2. Hi Sue!

    Happy New Year!

    I like the different shade of brown description.

    Having no strict timeline is helping us look objectively at our lives without pressure (outside of our own internal clock).

    We are over the initial euphoria and have been too busy to have deep discussions.

    Our appointment with a realtor out west is in a couple of weeks so the info will help nudge things either way.
