Thursday, November 22, 2018


This time of year has me dialed up, wanting to have loose ends tied up neatly so I can calmly enjoy the darkening days.  Am very tuned into the loss of light this year and want very much to slow down and do even less.

I'm pretty close to completing all the items that have come to mind, especially all the anticipated bills or "to be purchased" items.  Am not talking about Christmas here.  Just things due early 2019 etc that I don't want to thinking about over the holidays.

Even tried to buy my licence plate sticker in advance while I was getting a new picture taken for my licence but got shut down as I'll need a drive clean test for the car.  Was hoping the program was ending at the end of this year instead of next spring.

No surprise with how stressed and crappy I felt over the summer that my cholesterol levels were found to have risen.  They have since fallen back down to their slightly high levels again.

Had my appointment with the lipids genetics Dr and it turned out we were doing research studies in the same place back in my university days.  A lot of blood was taken and results will be shared in the new year.

Based on what he knows about me, I'm not considered high enough risk to talk about medication.  That may change as I get older or if we find out something genetic that could indicate future risk.

Because I've been privy to so much news about people developing illness, dying, dealing with a lot of serious health struggles, my emotions are embarrassingly right up at the surface these days. 

As for any disaster relief work (have gotten notified of 5 opportunities so far), have conceded that I am not in any shape for that.  Too easily overwhelmed right now.

Only have a handful of work days left until the end of the year.  I've renewed everything licence related to work as I don't want the pressure to make a decision about retirement by a certain deadline like I placed on myself this summer.  That was a really bad way to go about it for someone like me.

Will end with some pictures from Kuala Lumpur.  Had a surprisingly relaxed and lovely time there.