Friday, July 6, 2018


Members of my family have been dropping like flies over the past few years.  As there exists much familial fracture that I am unwilling to tackle, I end up finding out news about surgeries, cancer diagnosis, death much later.

Was particularly shocked I lost my aunt who would have been maybe 60 and cousin (her daughter) who was 35, in separate unrelated causes.  My mother's side of the family haven't fared very well in the longevity department.

Then there is the news that the husband of the couple who I rented their "nanny suite" from during my post grad years, who I've previously referred to as my surrogate parents, has progressed sufficiently in his neurological disease to not be who I would remember anymore.  I wept and continue to at the thought.  We knew the time would come, but symptoms the last 6 months have been much accelerated.

In light of the above events, loss of use of a really fun vehicle doesn't even cause a blip to our day.  It's only a thing.  The Outback is fine.  The only blip with it, is that D is bringing him back in for a "just in case" check already.  Something about feeling a vibration when it is at a certain speed range. 

Made me think of alignment, which the service adviser mentioned as a possibility along with wheel balance as well.  There's warranty and we'll get through it.  Update:  Was a wheel balance issue and is running well according to D.

A very pleasant surprise was the gift of a dozen yellow and deep red roses and giant gift basket full of gourmet treats.  Never received any gift with buying a vehicle before (house yes), especially considering it isn't new!  It brought a smile on an otherwise mostly sad day.


  1. Oh, MW, I'm sorry! One loss is hard enough, but what a shock to lose two, and so young. It's 'easy' to say 'that's life' and while on some level it is, when it's sudden or something more progressive like your surrogate dad - even if it IS anticipated - it feels unfair and doubly hard. Take care of yourself xx

    1. Thank you so much. It does feel super unfair. But who can explain why some things happen to one person and not others? Good reminder to the rest of us to be mindful of our own path and to take stock of what we really value.
