Monday, June 21, 2010

Plugging Away

I literally have to force myself to stop and take a break right now. The 15 plus hr days are blurring into one another as I fervently push to take care of details.

It feels like there are a million things vying for my attention and because I am making plans that involve 2 people -- my associate who is coming to work with me in my space, I am constantly double checking both integrations.

My tendency is to forge ahead and have space to breathe before the launch date. I'm not much of a do everything last minute person, knowing there will likely be last minute things anyways. I can sort of think I see the light at the end of the tunnel now... :)

I will do my best to keep my business cash flow as similar to what I've been used to. With the move, there will be some services that will not be offered anymore. So that will translate to less income. I'm hoping that will be balanced out with receiving rent from my associate as well as my rent being much lower.

My weekend buying spree for business start up is already in the $800 mark and I didn't even buy any equipment per se. Amazing just how quickly things add up. Thank goodness I managed to get some stuff used. My budget is $2200.

There is talk that interest rates in Canada won't be rising as quickly and frequently as first predicted earlier in the year. With all the chaos in Europe, it may buy those of us with variable rate mortgages a bit more time. That works for us.


  1. Make sure you get enough rest; many mistakes occur when one is tired. =)

  2. Hi Sandra!

    You are right and I am seeing some mistakes already.

    I have a nasty habit of wanting to get ahead so I push and push so that I can breathe a little easier the closer I get to a deadline.
