Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy New Year's Eve

The biggest challenge for me this year has been work politics. 2009 also marked the most frugal year we've ever had. It felt good (most of the time) and when it didn't, we made corrections to get back on track.

Most often it was due to being too "extreme" with respect to cut backs causing the reflex boomerang response which undid things and under minded the intent. So a more moderate approach made for happier living.

My sense of days and times have been off the last few weeks. It's a great thing to be able to wake up with the sun, nap when tired and not care what day of the week it is. That must be what retirement or a good holiday is all about!

So I woke to find out today is New Year's Eve. We don't have any big plans to party this year, though a good meal is in the works (crab legs).

I wish you all a happy close of 2009 and a happy 2010 ring in. It is wonderful to share this journey with so many great people like you.