Friday, July 1, 2022

Canada Day 2022

Happy Canada Day to my fellow Canadians near and far!  

As I reflect on being Canadian; 

our environmental stance, our universal healthcare and how we are perceived around the world; 

I also consider what it means to be a Female Canadian and what rights it fortunately comes with.  

I think of all the countries I have been to and how Covid shed light on the very real inequalities that existed long before.  

So many are worse off because of it, some for political reasons, some due to natural disasters and global warming -- Hong Kong, Palestine, Indonesia, Australia, Myanmar, Brazil, India, USA, name just a few.  What will it take for them to recover and will it even be possible?  

If I lose hope now, living in a priviledged country, how functional would I be, if I actually had to manage some of the devastating realities that exist right now in so many other locales?  

A solid reminder to myself to please remember to regain some perspective after each emotional upheaval. All this access to news; real or ridiculous, isn't free -- It takes a huge mental toll.

Grateful to have the comfort, space and freedom to be able to reflect.

And to never take for granted, the incredible ability to escape to other places when I want to.

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