Thursday, August 13, 2009

Car Stuff

No go on the ballroom dance lessons. I'm thinking that the universe does not want me to dance right now. On the money plus side, saves spending $50/lesson.

We did go and look at another car last night. A 2005 Honda Civic for $10500. Not bad. I've only owned 1 car in my life and it is a Honda CRV so it has been a long time since I've been in a car.

The think I noticed the most is the noise. Maybe it was the car. Other than that, it was OK. It isn't the car for me but D likes it and it would be the replacement car for him if he doesn't want to consider being a 1 car family.

There may be someone interested in buying his car. They are working out a time for a showing.

I'm not convinced this is the right timing for a next car. From a cash flow perspective, it is fine, compared to the next 2 years when things are tighter.

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